Sky Analytics


Consilio 的 Sky Analytics 是一个法律支出分析和标杆分析工具,可以将贵公司的所有外部法律支出汇集到易于理解的平台。它会为您的数据显示独特的视图,以发现新的节约机会,并帮助外部顾问创造更多价值。无论您已改用其他计费方式还是依然按小时计费,此工具都能为内部顾问提供所需数据,以便在事务管理和支出方面做出更明智的决定。


Sky Analytics 工具由 Consilio 提供支持,是在一个考虑到公司合法发票敏感性质的平台上开发,因此,我们可以向客户保证他们的机密数据会一直保密。事实上,我们的系统通过了最复杂的渗透测试,并获得了世界上最大的一些金融公司和政府机构的认可。


要预约演示,请填写下表,随后一名 Consilio 代表会联系您。

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    如果为未来的事务或基于价值的账单安排编制预算构成了真正的挑战,那么 Consilio 的 Sky Analytics 能够满足您的需求。使用用户友好的界面,您可以立即获得以往的事务,或者访问此工具的深度事务数据库,以便准确地衡量定价指标。

    Understanding the past is the key to predicting the future
    The first step to budgeting upcoming matters is having a better understanding of past matters. Using the tool’s Matter Scorecards, you get a clear picture of each of your company’s matters – both present and past. From cost and duration benchmarking to staffing, you’ll gain a firmer grasp on your matter dynamics which will translate into more confident forecasting.

    Deep and unique matter benchmarking
    Draw upon the tool’s deep database of hundreds of thousands of matters across a wide range of industries and practice areas to benchmark total matter cost, phase costs, duration, rates and much more.

    Move beyond the billable hour
    There is a lot of discussion around moving from hourly billing toward value-based billing, yet there are very few tools to help law departments more accurately price alternative fee arrangements. Consilio’s Sky Analytics tool presents matter benchmarking data in easy-to-understand graphics so you can clearly develop pricing models that will fit your company’s pricing strategy.


    使用专有的“比较价格”算法,您的法务部能够获得市面上最先进的价格标杆分析智能。通过将数以千计的账单价格与主要市场行情(例如实践领域专长)进行比较,Sky Analytics 工具可以为法务部提供宝贵的见解,以使他们了解基于实际账单数据(而不仅仅是基于通过调查获得的价格)的公平市场价格。

    Better manage annual rate reviews
    Are your practice managers “eye-balling” rate increase requests? Or maybe you’re comparing attorney rates across firms. Either way, Consilio offers a powerful yet simple tool to make better decisions on rate requests on an attorney-by-attorney basis.

    Rate comps for any timekeeper level
    Do you have a new attorney coming onto a matter and you’re not sure whether the requested rate is reasonable? The tool’s “Rate Calculator” can instantly analyze thousands of comparable attorneys to provide you with the rate intelligence that you need.

    Shift work to more competitive regions
    Shifting non-critical cases to more competitive firms is a key spend management strategy employed by leading law departments. Our regional rate visualization will allow you to quickly compare your effective regional rates and adjust case load accordingly.




    Gain a clearer picture of your engagement with a firm
    With so many moving parts it is tough to get a holistic view of your company’s relationship with a law firm. The tool’s scorecards clearly identify key performance indicators and trends that allow you to manage your firms with data – not just anecdotes.

    Unique metrics that drive action
    The Consilio tool combines proprietary research with third-party data sources to supercharge your invoice data. Better measure firm diversity, firm expertise and much more.

    Value-added data that reveals new insights
    Consilio’s in-house research team appends publicly available information, such as bar admission dates and diversity stats, to your invoice data to give you new angles into your outside counsel.




    使用 Consilio,您可以轻松将您的发票数据发给我们。您只需将发票从电子记账系统中导出(到 Excel 文件中),或者将您的 PDF 或纸质发票发给我们。


    Consilio 会利用第三方市场数据和独家研究方法丰富您的发票数据。随后将这些数据匿名化并保存到我们的行业数据库中,以进行标杆分析。

